College of Dental Science & Hospital, Rau, Indore, was established in 1999 by Vajdi Educational Society. CDSH has established firm credentials as an exemplary educational institution emulating high standards of academic excellence.
The institute begins with providing qualification in BDS courses. In just over a decade, CDSH has garnered recognition from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to provide professional education and training for students to attain the Masters Degree.
CDSH is a collation of well-equipped dental clinic, laboratories, lecture-halls, residential quarters, hostels and libraries with dental databases such as EBSCOhost and various journals. It is on a 7.7 Acres campus of exquisite trees and flowering shrubs, it makes for a salubrious environment of study and patient care.
Located picturesquely a top the Jhoomer Ghat hills commanding a panoramic view to the institute especially during the monsoon. This institute believes in training students for today’s international market as efficient doctors, managers, administrators, marketing strategists and above all as, beautiful human beings.
It is believed that “Excellence is not an Act, but a Habit”. The aim of this Dental College is to strive hard towards perfection. The students of this institute are benefitted with technologically modern dental education as well as simultaneous exposure to the rural population through community-based service.
Extensive pre-clinical training is imparted to the students at our Institution. The education imparted here emphasis value based learning and social responsibilities.
Total Quality Management in Service & Education.
To Train General, Specialised & Allied Professional Personnel to meet
Regional & National Oral Health Care Services.
Work to Contribute to Global Oral Health Care Knowledge and Skills.
To Impart knowledge and interact with organization of similar interests promote use of technology of relevance.
Reach the unreachable with awareness, education and Service.Serve the Underserved Development.

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