![BN College of Engineering and Technology - [BNCET], Lucknow Uttar Pradesh](/sites/default/files/2021-03/BN%20College%20of%20Engineering%20and%20Technology%20-%20%5BBNCET%5D%2C%20Lucknow.png)
BNCET is a consortium of leading colleges of International standards has been established under the auspicious aegis of Baij Nath Charitable and Educational Trust in the year 2008 for setting trends and raising standards for management and technical education. The objective of our Techno-Managerial programs is to equip our students with knowledge, skills and confidence needed to develop corporate leaders, strategists and decision makers who can significantly contribute in nation building exercise. An exhaustive, intensive industry and trade related curriculum covers almost all the functional dimensions of techno managerial education. Case studies, live projects, presentations, seminars, symposiums, internships, study trips and industrial visits part and parcel of the program. It is our endeavor to make each BNCETian a success story and BNCET as a pre-eminent techno management college of India for nurturing talent and advancing knowledge in multi ethnic learning environment.
B. N. College of Engineering and Technology has been established in 2008 by the Baij Nath Charitable & Educational Trust. The institute is well-known for the quality education imparted by them and their stringent levels of discipline. It is affiliated to Gautam Buddh Technical University & BTEUP.
Strive to develop as an institution of excellence in professional and technical education that enables youth to be innovative with inherent morality and skills, to be a valuable asset for society and nation.
Mission :
To produce innovative and technically strong professionals with adequate knowledge, skills, and attitude to make them capable of facing challenges in all spheres of life. ->Impart excellent environment for the development of professional skills by providing quality education, extra-curricular activities and creating an ethical culture to benefit society and industry.
B.E. / B.Tech, M.E./M.Tech, MBA/PGDM
![BN College of Engineering and Technology - [BNCET], Lucknow Uttar Pradesh](/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/2021-03/BN%20College%20of%20Engineering%20and%20Technology%20-%20%5BBNCET%5D%2C%20%20LOGO.png?itok=CIOz3HL7)
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