The Al Azhar Dental College is a part of the Al Azhar Group of Institutions managed by the Noorul Islam Trust and affiliated to the Kerala University of Health Sciences. It is located in the Iddukki district of Kerala. The college offers Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree course which is conducted over a period of 5 years. The college is recognized by the Dental Council of India and it has also been granted minority institution status by the Government of India
To be an internationally acclaimed institution empowered with academic excellence in medical education and to provide exceptional quality healthcare in an ethical and compassionate environment in all possible ways and means.
To cast and mould a new genre of doctors, committed to the nation and the people, driven by the passion and the compassion, led by the empathy and ethics and prepare them to serve and care the people with utmost dedication and commitment.
To provide the highest quality of healthcare services and facilities to the poorest of the poor, reaching to the unreachable, making it affordable to unaffordable regardless of age, gender, cast, creed or religion.
To provide an integrated curative and preventive healthcare to the unprivileged rural population with emphasis on preventive and promotive aspects of healthcare.

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