Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital is one of the largest and most important centres for dental medical education, evolving rapidly to become an internationally acclaimed institution. Quoting the words of APDCH, "Medicine is a vocation in which a doctor's knowledge, clinical skills and judgment are put in the service of protecting and restoring human well-being. These values, which underpin the science and practice of medicine, form the basis for a moral contract between the medical profession and society.” Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital truly lives up to these lines.
Situated in the Holy Land of Melmaruvathur, nearly 100 kilometres south of Chennai along the NH-45, the Adhiparasakthi Dental College was established in the year 2005, and the Hospital in the year 2012 as constituent institutions of the Adhiparasakthi Charitable, Medical, Educational and Cultural Trust (ACMEC). The institutions have been recognised and approved by the Govt. of Tamilnadu and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Dental Council of India and is affiliated to Dr. MGR Medical University.
The Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital was established with the noblest aim of providing affordable healthcare to the downtrodden and weaker sections of the society. It is in the forefront of organising community dental health care programs periodically.
The APDCH has a dedicated group of highly knowledgeable and enthusiastic young faculty members to train the students. The sole aim of the faculty members is to offer its future motivated healers/dentists, a practical and an extraordinary education today.
The Adhiparasakthi Dental Hospital, located in a pristine campus and good ambience, serves as a training place where numerous undergraduate dental students receive practical training. The hospital is well equipped with numerous consultation rooms, in-patient and out-patient wards, separate wards for males and females, operating theatres, observation rooms, dialysis wards, physiotherapy departments, pharmacy and lab facilities. An exclusive in-house palliative care unit to treat terminally ill patients is also present. The hospital also encompasses a meditation hall, library and recreation room for the sole benefit of patients and their attendees.
The vision of the institution is to truly emerge as an internationally acclaimed institution by imparting the relevant practical knowledge and value educations through state-of-the-art technologies which will enrich the student’s learning with a unique experience and suitably empower them to render their noble services for the well-being of the mankind.
To render the services to the poor and needy
To provide meaningful and comprehensive higher education through its undergraduate and post graduate doctoral programs, research and training programmes
To impart higher technical skills, experiences and specialized academic excellence to the students thereby fostering innovation
To create a rich and pleasant environment for studying, living and working where education and research go hand in hand
To serve the under-served, nurture learner centric quality dental education, quality patient oriented services, community Centered research, excellence in knowledge, skills and strategic future oriented planning that meets the national, global dental educational standards.

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